Thursday, January 24, 2008

Don't ya just love a good Field Trip???

It started with a chapter of "Homer Price" where a dress was described as "Robin's egg blue" and developed into a field trip to see bird eggs and their respective birds! That's how we homeschoolers think! And any thing I can relate a field trip to, all the better!

We spent a few hours at our local Audubon Center for Birds of Prey and had a great time! We originally thought that only a few of us would be going, but I asked around and everyone wanted to go. We had 5 mom's and 12 kids! We did a self guided tour, but the employees (or possibly volunteers) at the center took some time out of their day to show our kids some wonderful bird related goodies and even bring some birds out on their arm and talk to the kids about each one. We got up close and personal with a bald eagle, a barred owl, a caracara (my favorite),
and a beautiful hawk, although I'm not sure what kind.The kids asked some great questions, and we really enjoyed the outing. Homeschooling is awesome! We get to get out of the house, go somewhere new, spend time with friends, learning about the fantastic things that God made for his Glory and our enjoyment, and call it "school"!

The kids got to hold feathers, entire wings, beaks, talons, all kinds of cool things! There's just nothing better than "hands-on" learning!

The kids even got to sit in a lifesize Eagle's nest!

What a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
This is Linda from FIAR. I've been trying to email you the code for the ring, but it keeps bouncing back. I pm'd you on the FIAR boards w/ the code. Let me know when you get it in your blog and I'll recheck. :)

Our Family

HS teddy