Friday, October 3, 2008

Snack Attack!!!

"Awhile back Mother Dear received a question on what snack foods to buy for homeschooling families, on the go or at home, and she inspired this week’s theme. There are so many different kinds of snack foods, store-bought and homemade, and I would like to invite you to share what snack foods your family usually snacks on throughout the week. You’re welcome to make season lists too. I know there are different meals we eat during the colder seasons than we do in the warmer ones, and I imagine there are also seasonal snack foods as well."

We do, unfortunately, like to snack around here... a little too much, I think! Here are some of our favorites:

Fruit - mostly fresh, but sometimes applesauce with cinnamon

Yogurt - Nick loves yogurt, and would eat it every day if it's in the fridge, but Ciara, not so much. I like it, but it's got to be adult yogurt, not the kid stuff that Nick likes. They will both eat Gogurt, if they are frozen!

Granola and Cereal bars - these are a favorite... mostly because they are so sweet, it's almost like dessert.

Apples & Peanut butter

Cheese sticks

Goldfish or other crackers

Cookies - but usually only if they are homemade or specialty kinds

Chips and salsa


Homemade trail mix

Vegi's and dip (usually Ranch, but I've seen them eat other dressings, too.)

Ice Cream or Popsicles

Ok, now I'm hungry....rats....

As always, have a Blessed Day in your homeschool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I thought Ben came up with that frozen Gogurt idea! :-) While I know it's not the healthiest yogurt variety, I still think it's funny that he ranks it right up there with a dessert. And now you've made me hungry ....

Our Family

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