"This week I want to invite you to take a moment and post a Summer Photo Essay memoir. Starting from around the official date of Summer to this past week - just give a basic summary of your summer as I know someone of you are photoholics! Haha! Make sure you jot down your memoirs about each photo so everyone can read about your summer."
Now that it's officially over, it sure doesn't seem like we did a lot this past summer! I guess we did, by looking back over the photos I've chosen to represent our last couple of months, but it sure went by fast!
We started off by going to a surprise 40th birthday party for one of our closest friends, and it was done with an 80's theme - we had to wear 80's clothing, hair styles, listen to the 80's music, etc. It was a blast!
Then, we enjoyed hosting a graduation party (or what we call, an Open House) for our daughter and her boyfriend, who had both graduated high school in May. It was a great party and they really appreciated everyone who came out to wish them a bright future. Now, if she'd just get those "Thank-You" cards out in the mail!
We went to Michigan in June for a Family Reunion on my dad's side and really got to enjoy some time with our kids - everyone but our newest graduate... she couldn't make the trip due to work. We went to Cedar Point in Ohio and had a great time on the roller coasters while we were up there! We also visited my mother-in-law's grave, which we hadn't been to in far too long.
We spent a day at the beach with our friends - we found out that "Water-resistant" does not mean "water-proof" when it comes to sunscreen. Even though we applied it more than one time, we all got burnt! Especially mom... I couldn't move comfortably for a week! OW!
We had some feathered friends visit our front yard one afternoon. These sandhill cranes just walked right up like they live here too. They weren't too afraid of us, which I'm not sure I'm happy with!
The kids had an end of summer youth group gathering at the youth leader's house and had a blast playing "manhunt" and having a flour war.
I co-hosted a surprise bridal shower luncheon for one of our friends and it came off just great... she had no idea and neither did her groom-to-be. They showed up at our friend's home thinking they were coming for lunch, but really there were a group of women waiting for the bride-to-be to shower her with love and the guys all took the groom-to-be out for lunch. It was a lot of fun!
We love our summers, but we're always excited to get back into our school routine. Thanks for asking us to post this, and sorry the post is so late....we've been out of town on a field trip!
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