Friday, February 29, 2008

Considering a Co-Op

I've been invited to enroll my children in a local Homeschool Co-Op and I'm actually really considering it. A couple of my friends have their children in this particular group and from some of the things I've heard, it sounds like a great experience. I've asked some of the ladies for more information, and I'm going to go visit and check it out later this month. My daughter was completely against it until she found out that one of the kids at church that she really likes is in it. Now, she's totally up for it. You can tell where her priorities are!

I'd love to hear about any experiences that any of you readers have had with homeschool co-ops. I've been doing this at home, alone for so long, that it's a little intimidating to think someone else will be teaching my children, and finding out how much they already know.

The parents are required to either teach a class, or assist in 3 classes, if I have understood that correctly. I don't know that I'll feel confident enough to teach anything right off the bat, so I'm sure I'll be assisting and learning from 3 other teachers. Although, maybe they'd let me teach cooking. I might be able to handle that!

As we're getting close to spring, I'm getting the FEVER! I'm ready for school to be wrapping up. I've ordered the kid's testing materials for the end of the year, and I'm happy to see us have fewer and fewer lessons left in their books to cover.

We took a day off last week and went to Sea World. We took my dad along with us and even my hubby was able to join us in the afternoon. It was a great day. We hadn't been there in a long time, so it was fun to see some of our favorite shows. I want to hit the beach soon, too, before it gets too hot and too crowded. Maybe we can take some of our school work with us and go on a week day. The kids probably won't mind doing their daily reading out on the beach! I know I wouldn't!

Remember, if you've had experience with a Homeschool Co-Op, share it with me. I'd love to hear about it!

Until next time,

Have a Blessed Day in your Homeschool!

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