We are nearing the end of our school year and we can see it coming! We only have a couple of weeks worth of math lessons (the truest and most welcome sign of the end of the year!) and everything seems to be winding down. We've scheduled the CAT tests for the first week in May and we'll finish the last of our lessons on May 15th. We are all ready for another year to be behind us.
Those of you who know me best will not be surprised that I am already planning out the next academic year. I've actually already started buying books that we'll need.
Now that I'm working part-time, we're changing some of the curriculum we've been using to some that are more student led. I think it's going to be a great fit for our family. We're looking forward to this year being finished, but I'm always looking forward to next year!
We enjoyed Spring Break this past week. We didn't do too much, but we did get to go to the beach for the day with some treasured friends. That was really nice! I can't believe we don't make the hour long drive a little more often and enjoy that beauty!
We also went camping for the weekend with some good friends. That was fun - the kids road their bikes endlessly, and we ate too much, talked too much and enjoyed seeing some wildlife. Randy brought the jet-ski and those that rode had a good time. We celebrated Easter out there by having dinner on Sunday afternoon. It was a great weekend!
I hope you are enjoying your Spring as much as we are!
As always, have a Blessed Day in your homeschool!
Journey’s end
While I believe my pen has run dry, I can’t let this season pass without
posting something. Ben will be graduating in two months. What a journey it
has bee...
5 years ago