Saturday, December 29, 2007

Trying this again!

Well, I'm going to give this blog a try, again! I'd really like to have a blog like the others I've seen, so I'm going to take it one day, or week, at a time and see if I can try and keep this one current.

We've survived the wonderful Christmas season and are pushing on towards the New Year with me being very expectant of a complete change of heart and attitude where my teaching is concerned. Ever since my mom passed back in August, I just haven't had the heart that I used to to dig into school with the kids. I've only been doing the bare essentials and believe me... the kids haven't been complaining, but I'm disappointed with how it's been going. I have resolved to do better when we start back up on January 7, 2008. I'm going to get us back onto the schedule that was working so well last year, and make school more of a priority. Anyone care to hold me accountable???

We are using Beyond Five in a Row and getting ready to begin Homer Price. This should be fun. For a 10 year old girl and a 7 year old boy, I think this book is going to be one of our favorites. I'm even goaling to do some lapbooks or at least notebooks for documentation of our learning.

I want this blog to be a documentary of our homeschool journey, so I'm really going to try to keep it updated with what we're studying, what we're learning and how we're learning it.

I hope you'll come back and join us on the journey.....

until then.....

Have a Blessed Day!


Monday, April 30, 2007

A New Day!

I'm new to blogging - I had a blog over at another site, only posted a couple of times and have trouble accessing it most of the time, so I thought I'd try life out over here! I am a homeschooling mom with four children. Our oldest two have gone through the Public School system and are doing great, the oldest being in his Sophomore year at college and my next oldest doing wonderful in her Junior year at High School. Our two youngest are home with me, and we're loving it! I've been homeschooling for 6 years now, and we really do enjoy this way of life. I'm hoping to be able to keep up with this blog, to record some of our learning online for others to share with us. We're getting read to go back to Five in a Row this fall, we haven't used that curriculum since my 4th grader was in Kindergarten, but, I think we'll really enjoy going back to it. I'll be schooling a 5th and 2nd grader this fall and we're all looking forward to FIAR.

Have a blessed day!

Our Family

HS teddy